BBcoffee & BBteatable
BB Coffee & BB Tea Table is only one more sign of how versatile a furniture can be if projected to attend people in their different everyday needs and at the same time not to take too much space. Intelligent furniture for smart business and guests!
Modern. Versatile. Intelligent.
- Parties
- Coffee Breaks
BB Coffee & BB Table Renders
More details of this impressively modern and authentic furniture can be seen on the renders.
Ready to receive a mini fridge, BB Coffee & BB Table can be easily moved from one place to another, being an easy "kitchen tool" that will bring practicality to BIG BERRY resort destinations events, meals and daily life.
David Cugelj, Slo
Kot zelo aktivna oseba je David najbolj zadovoljen, ko si širi svoja obzorja. Uživa v raziskovanju novih idej in vedno strmi k temu, da najde najboljšo rešitev. Ne išče idej pri drugih, temveč hoče ustvarjati nove zgodbe, ne le ponavljati starih. Uživa v delu s številnimi strankami na različnih projektih ter nenehno spremlja razvoj v industrijskem oblikovanju. Zato iz dneva v dan zapolni svoj delovnik s tem kar dela najraje: ustvarja.