BB Art colony Nina Urh Luxury of Freedom exhibition at Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb
BIG BERRY proudly announces exhibition BIG BERRY / BB Art colony / Nina Urh / Luxury of Freedom which will take place in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb (MSU Zagreb). The official opening of the exhibition is announced for Wednesday, Ocober 2nd with the official start at 5PM. The exhibition will remain open to the public until Sunday, October 27th.
Exhibition is a result of a successful collaboration with the Museum of Contemporary Art from Zagreb, which recognized the value of the project and the necessity of spreading the word about it.
Nina Urh’s mural, Luxury of Freedom will be exhibited, along with photographs of the remaining 20 murals made by 16 artists and the official project’s catalogue - BB Mural book.
BB Art colony is BIG BERRY’s unique project which brings street art into pure nature. During 2 years, the project gathered a total of 17 artists from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Spain who made 373m2 of murals in Kolpa River Resort in Slovenia and in the resort in Wies, Austria. Besides being an integral part of BIG BERRY resorts worldwide, murals are presented in non-BIG BERRY environment such as galleries. Each mural presents BIG BERRY story in a unique and organic way, so every visitor has a chance to see BIG BERRY world through artists’ glasses and dive into that magical world.
When starting BIG BERRY Art Colony project in 2018, we wanted to create a street full of art in BIG BERRY Kolpa River Resort and connect with creative artists who created murals on BIG BERRY houses inspired by the idea of Luxury of Freedom, being free in nature. Eight artists (Ninja Tiger, Ines Milčić - Pekmezmed, Jadranka Lacković - ojoMAGico, Cristina Ramirez Bueno, Sanja Stojković - Tifanirubi, Rina Barbarić - malac & smola, Nina Urh and Maja Biondić) from 3 countries (Croatia, Slovenia and Spain) spent 9 days with BB Team in BIG BERRY Kolpa River Resort and BB Wies and made 143m2 of pure art in the heart of nature.
This year we gathered 9 artists (Taja Sever, Marko Rop, Teja Ideja, Anja Polh, Dejan Kralj, Nastja Mezek, Tea Jurišić, Meta Wraber and Monika Lang) form 3 countries (Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia) and continued this BIG BERRY’s art journey with making new 230m2 of art magic.
BIG BERRY never hid the urge to create different tourism and approach to tourism from a different angle. From the beginning, with inclusion of interdisciplinary design studio dogtrot, which made firm foundations, right up to creating hereby presented project BB Art colony, whose aim is to connect tourism with culture. This connection that we in BIG BERRY find important because of the need to make some changes in touristic sector, to create more quality content and context for spending free time in all BIG BERRY resorts worldwide. Including the most interesting form of art for us - street art and connecting with amazing artists from different countries, we tried to give added value to our concept and brand but also to give the opportunity to the artists to create and exhibit their work in different surroundings - in the middle of nature, surrounded by luxury of freedom. We in BIG BERRY believe art and design are natural partners in creating different tourism, the one oriented towards people, towards their development and towards promoting the best what tourism, art and design can create - together.
This became BIG BERRY’s most successful project which is spreading to other resorts, franchises and also to art galleries and even stronger knitted art into BIG BERRY’s DNA.