BB Welcome Board
Welcome Board is a part of BB life. Giving people the right impression about BB; helping the BB team organize their tasks during events and activities.
We use the board to show and introduce people to the general portrait of BB, providing individual customization of the look, and feel consistent with our corporate identity, values and style.
It‘s a very practical and useful design element; we can always display welcome messages on the board, stick lovely photos with enjoyable memories, write some notes, greetings, motivational quotes or information about events.
The BB board helps us in any situation. It also keeps those who may be waiting to be entertained, informed, at some point eases visitors’ waiting time.
Made of high-quality raw material, this welcome board is durable and long-lasting. It’s ideal for resorts, hotels, receptions, conference centres, entrance halls, etc.
You can provide directions or display any messages for your visitors in a pleasant and elegant way.
- Memories/Photostable
- Greetings table
- Information table
- Entertainment table
- Introduction to the brand
- Daily planner
- Groceries checklist
David Cugelj, Slo
Kot zelo aktivna oseba je David najbolj zadovoljen, ko si širi svoja obzorja. Uživa v raziskovanju novih idej in vedno strmi k temu, da najde najboljšo rešitev. Ne išče idej pri drugih, temveč hoče ustvarjati nove zgodbe, ne le ponavljati starih. Uživa v delu s številnimi strankami na različnih projektih ter nenehno spremlja razvoj v industrijskem oblikovanju. Zato iz dneva v dan zapolni svoj delovnik s tem kar dela najraje: ustvarja.