All-Natural, Handmade, Gourmet Cookies from Domačija Šrajf
Products of our partner Šrajf includes a wide selection of different cakes such as walnut, tarragon, buckwheat, Gottschee, carob, crackling, raisins, coconut, chocolate, nuts, poppy, various types of bread, cookies and other pastries. Βaking buckwheat potica and certified Belokranjska pogača are the specialties of Šrajf.
Šrajf provides us the cookies for the breakfast basket. These delicious creations handcrafted in our partner’s bakery.
BIG BERRY team made a visit last summer at the place that our partners cook the delicious cookies and biscuits! If you are interested in learning more about how to create handmade cookies, you can take a look at the BIG BERRY Vlog at Youtube video.
The team created some typical Bela krajina style biscuits from our partners Šrajf! The people at Šrajf were so welcoming and friendly. They gave us an organized tour of their bakery and their museum they have!
Photo by: flickr