Luxury of freedom


Alex Baams' creative pop-up paintings

Alex Baams is a young artist from the Netherlands whose feeling of being stuck in his own development brought him a new creative idea. Baams stopped painting on canvasses for a while and started researching ways of combining movement and painting, which has been an undiscovered passion of his until then. After months and months of researching it was time to get serious and Baams started working on his first pop-up painting "Monkeys on my back" which combined pop-up art and painting. As he found out during his research starting the pop-up painting with sketching as almost impossible. So Baams grabbed knife and siccors and started cutting cardboard. The most exciting part was painting and assembling the cardboard pieces. The pop-up painting idea came around the corner just in the right time - the work seemed to create itself, so Baams.

"Monkeys on my back" shows everything that you have to accept about yourself and that you have to let go to be able to move on. 

Ideas like this make art even more interesting for people. Maybe BIG BERRY would be a subject for one of these paintings?!
