Luxury of freedom


Jocelyn Schwalm - Gardening makes you a better person

Gardening has often been dismissed as the pastime of senior citizens looking to fill their post-retirement days, but its looking like the mental health benefits outweigh any preconceived notions one may have had about this eco-friendly act. It's been shown that being in contact with any form of green space for long periods of time seems to improve mental health. Jocelyn Schwalm, a writer for "The Plaid Zebra", has investigated an experiment was conducted where two groups were placed in separate rooms, one was put in a windowless room and then told to walk through an urban environment; the other group was placed in a room with a large window and then told to walk through a garden. The mental health benefits were visible immediately as the latter group showed much higher signs of relaxation after finishing the activity.

This specific phenomenon is called “Horticulture Therapy,” which is classified as any type of physical activity within a nature or natural settingA man named Edward O. Wilson came up with a related theory of Biophilia, which states that people are most content when they are focusing on lifelike processes. In other words, we have an innate need to take care of things which have a similar life cycle to ours. This just shows that it may be time to pick up a shovel and start digging, because the secret to having a healthy brain may be within a green thumb.

At BIG BERRY we are big fans of gardening and have more than 70 different varieties of berries and herbs growing around camp. We strive to bring you the comfort and relaxation in nature with the comforts of home. Come, enjoy, and pick your own food from our garden and make your own delicious creations in your own luxury mobile home at BIG BERRY. 

Source:, Author: Jocelyn Schwalm