Luxury of freedom


First Product Designers of the 2018 season

May and the beginning of June were marked by the Fashion Design Project with two creative student groups from Zagreb and Ljubljana and the amazing our latest designer Katarina Bilan from Dott. and Krug store. It is time now to launch the 2018 Product Design Project. BIG BERRY Kolpa River had the great pleasure to host the well-known Poke Studio crew as first participants.

A two-day stay which was short but full of creativity and amazing work! Tanja Grujičić and Petra Božič arrived on Sunday, right on time for a delicious BB lunch on our terrace. After that, BB Team introduced them to the BB Brand and BB Elements through their traditional presentation, in order for them to get familiar with BIG BERRY and imagine the future designs easier. After the introduction, we took them to the BB Barbecue House so they can leave their traces on the wooden logs with a BB Button.

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After the BB Barbecue House, the two creative interior designers started to work! As true professionals, their process of designing something new for BIG BERRY started by a brainstorming session in nature. They looked for ideas and searched for what the LUXURY OF FREEDOM is missing, so they could create an even more magical experience. Mostly working in the field of interior design, they finally agreed on designing new elements for the outdoor area. During their interview, they didn’t want to tell us more so they could keep their creations a secret!

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On the following day, after taking some time in the morning to enjoy this natural and peaceful environment, Tanja and Petra continued their work. BB Team was watching from afar to so they could get some clues. We could see these two energetic young women taking pictures and measures and working on computers and we were intrigued!

After a fresh lunch on this very warm day, it was time for our two designers to present their creations. Tanja and Petra welcomed BB Team in their BB House and started their very professional and visual presentation. During the next thirty minutes, we were witnessing the result of years of experience, talent and professionalism!

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So this is Poke Studio’s idea for BIG BERRY: they made a three-items project through an amazing and visual presentation named “Picnic in BIG BERRY”. During their stay with us, they mostly enjoyed being outside in nature where they designed, had their quiet time or even had lunch. Here at BIG BERRY, we are very proud of the environment and nature that we can enjoy everyday. Waking up every morning and seeing the first rays of sun as well as the wild Kolpa River, enjoying a warm day with feet in the water or just chilling!

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From that point of view, Petra and Tanja presented us three designs for a perfect picnic afternoon in BIG BERRY. The first one was a round tray that fit perfectly with the BB Coffee Table, made of  leather and metal . Its goal was to serve plants and herbs, coffee or tea and even a BB Breakfast Basket. A brand element that could be transported anywhere in the resort. The second product was an electrical lantern. Made of metal, PVC and leather, this transportable and eco friendly white and brown lantern would fit perfectly with an evening appetizer along the Kolpa River. The last object was a beautiful brown and red violet blanket made with linen, perfect for a cozy picnic or taking a nap in the afternoon.

We were very impressed with their work, the way they presented with 3D visuals but also the idea of combining three elements that can be used together and create a whole scene and a new experience. They also worked with quality materials and colors that would match perfectly with BB Houses and nature.

BIG BERRY is so proud to have welcomed those amazing, creative and professional product designers and we are very happy to have had the chance to see, even for a short time, their creativity and kindness at the BIG BERRY Kolpa River Resort.

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Click here for more pictures!

By Augustin Martinez