Meet Anja, a smiling sun of the resort
With a passion for travelling Anja would love to explore Canada on her next journey. One day her dream is to “have seen it all” and she is certainly stepping in the right direction to achieve that.
Born and raised in enchanting German city of Dresden, she is naturally well organized. If you ask her what kind of music she would be her answer “a music to dance to, for people to enjoy themselves and love” with favorite color of all blues can tell you a lot about her enthusiastic and cheerful character. Rarely you will see Anja without her disarming smile on and working on projects or enjoying a good book. While she reads she enjoys to personificate herself to other characters. With this approach she can nurture her passion for event management as it gives her countless of different perspectives.
To prolong her everlasting smile just bring a morning smoothie or make her some of her favorite dish - don’t worry, she is not picky.