BB Lounge House
A small edition of the outdoor lounge is an excellent idea of outdoor sitting in evening time sitting. It’s beautiful, cozy and simple to build or place it where you wish.
Lounges are made of quality, durable, stainless metal constructions with a comfortable mattress. The glass roof gives protection from the sun rays and the red mattress offers a cozy underground for laying down.
If you want to make your outdoor space feel like a real vacation, then do not forget building outdoor lounge.
Relaxing in a cozy open lounge house is an ideal relaxation place after a long day. You can sit and relax or just take a nap during the day.
That‘s why BIG BERRY Resort provides for their guests their own little paradise for total relaxation and comfort.
During the day, they can look up and see the clouds. Or grab a book, a hot coffee, some cookies and just head outside like at home on the sofa with a beautiful nature scenery instead of TV screen.
In the evening, our guests are welcome to enjoy counting the stars and spending romantic evenings.
During the stay at the BIG BERRY Resort, no one misses out the chance to try open-air lounge.
- Relaxation
- Friends gathering
- Massage space
- Romantic Dinners
- Breakfast
- Pic-nics
BIG BERRY Lounge House
A great opportunity to have a more private time with your people!
In the open lounge house, the possibilities are so many... nor our ideas for you nor the ski is the limit!
From a romantic dinner to a relaxing massage, you can put your imagination to work and create your own program in those cute small and intimate space!
- Relaxation
- Friends gathering
- Massage space
- Romantic Dinners
- Breakfast
- Pic-nics

David Cugelj, Slo
Kot zelo aktivna oseba je David najbolj zadovoljen, ko si širi svoja obzorja. Uživa v raziskovanju novih idej in vedno strmi k temu, da najde najboljšo rešitev. Ne išče idej pri drugih, temveč hoče ustvarjati nove zgodbe, ne le ponavljati starih. Uživa v delu s številnimi strankami na različnih projektih ter nenehno spremlja razvoj v industrijskem oblikovanju. Zato iz dneva v dan zapolni svoj delovnik s tem kar dela najraje: ustvarja.