Muhammad Ali - Don't count the days, make the days count!
As beginners in the boxing world we are sad to hear that one of the greatest heavyweight boxers of all times has passed just 3 days ago. Muhammad Ali, crowned as "Sportsmen of the century" and being the only one who was able to win the title of "Undisputed Champion" three times in a row, has brought attention to himself out of the boxing ring, too. He gave his negative feedback about the Vietnam War in public, refused his military duty and supported the emancipation movement of Afro-Americans.
His smart moves in classic boxing matches, such as Rumble in the Jungle versus George Foreman and Fight of the Century agains Joe Frazier, are great examples which we will try to follow in our BIG BERRY shadow boxing matches. We will float like butterflies and sting like bees. Because hands can't hit what eyes can't see.
Muhammad Ali, you'll never be forgotten and always remembered at BIG BERRY.