Luxury of freedom


BB Waste Bin


These bins has a unique design, are easy to clean, anti-rust, durable, mountable. Bottom and corners drainages and drilled holes prevent bins from water build-up. You don‘t have to bring it from the outside when the weather outside is very windy, because it is firmly fixed and attached to the wall.

BB garbage bins are everywhere in the resort. Following the same design of table, butterfly chairs, motorhome and terrace, they are easy to reach at the same time they are discreet. 

The outdoor waste bins make an environment look clean and tidy when you hang them in a visible place and easy to reach for everyone.


  • Storage

David Cugelj


David Cugelj, Slo

Kot zelo aktivna oseba je David najbolj zadovoljen, ko si širi svoja obzorja. Uživa v raziskovanju novih idej in vedno strmi k temu, da najde najboljšo rešitev. Ne išče idej pri drugih, temveč hoče ustvarjati nove zgodbe, ne le ponavljati starih. Uživa v delu s številnimi strankami na različnih projektih ter nenehno spremlja razvoj v industrijskem oblikovanju. Zato iz dneva v dan zapolni svoj delovnik s tem kar dela najraje: ustvarja.